

This is similar with the values and principles from which health services policies are derived. It is based on the recognition that clients require constant expert care, more than the basic general care delivered in our health institutions.
For anaesthesia to be more responsive in society, the program must be developed in consonance with changes in treatment approaches.
We believe that;
* The INDIVIDUAL has the right to CARE and this must be delivered according to his/her needs, with the view of maintaining a high standard of medical care.
* The anaesthetist is a highly trained professional who has the competence to identify the needs of the client, makes informed professional decisions and acts appropriately.
* The anaesthetist should be able to collaborate with and carry out instructions from other health professionals to plan, implement and evaluate the specialized care.
* By virtue of the training, the Certified Registered Anaesthetist though supervised by an anaesthesiologist, is accountable for his/her actions. He/she undertakes these actions with the view to promoting the health of the client and his/her family
* The student in the anaesthesia programme is an adult and therefore expected to be independent in decision making and consult when necessary.